A downloadable game for Windows

Hello, my name is Jacob Miller and this is Marching Cubes!

This is a solo project that I completed for my HONR 4000 course at the University of Central Missouri.


Marching Cubes is a real-time strategy game with elements of tower defense and battle simulation. The player constructs towers around their base that spawn troops to attack the enemy bases. All combat is done automatically, and the player's main goal is to manage resources in order to destroy the enemy base and win. I constructed this video game with the goal of challenging my scripting capabilities instead of the player's skill. I wanted the player to feel like they were influencing the game from the outside rather than directly, so in short, I wanted it to be semi-autonomous. This idea created a series of hurdles that had to be overcome. I found myself tapping into many skills that I had learned during my studies, most notably those of problem-solving, algorithm design, and C# scripting. The nature of the game also forced me to learn a significant amount about the capabilities of Blender and Unity, which were the two main software programs used in the development. Overall, the final product is a video game that is fun to play, and my skills have grown substantially from the experience.


Production, Design, and Gameplay

Jacob Miller

Robot Mono Font: Google fonts


Sci-f GUI skin: 3d.rina on Unity Asset Store


Music "Battle of the Dragons" by TommyMutiu from Pixabay


Music "Perchlorate" by DSTechnician from Pixabay



Marching Cubes 0.1.zip 41 MB
Marching Cubes 0.2.zip 41 MB

Install instructions

Download the zip file and unpack. Start the ".exe" executable file within the extracted folder.

Development log

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